Hey there. You’re probably wondering who writes all of this. The answer would be me.
My name is Nicholas Roznovsky and I’m a mid-40s husband and father who has managed to eke out a decent living, first doing “web stuff” and then more general communications work. I am currently the director of communications for the UCSF Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, but I also foolishly donate my services to some other places as well. I moved to San Francisco in 2013, and honestly I’m still trying to get my bearings around here. It’s daunting, but always interesting and usually fun.
In the past, I’ve done web site administration work for a newspaper, worn a number of hats for a national motion-picture theater chain, handled admissions for a medical school, churned out emails for a Jewish community center and overseen digital communications for a top business school. And that doesn’t even cover the last decade. All in all, I’ve had a variety of interesting and challenging careers so far.
When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with my family, of whom you can read more about by checking out the links in the menu. I also like to take a lot of pictures.

Most of you reading this, however, already know who I am. For those of you who don’t already know me, you are probably bored to tears by now. I apologize.
This site is called The Modernish Father because I feel that I’m a unique mix of old and new when it comes to being a dad, a husband, etc… My personal life is an interesting mish-mash of modern technology and a woefully outdated conception of pop culture.
If I were writing a blurb for an autobiography cover or movie poster, I could say that I’m “a man with the courage to straddle the millennial divide,” but truthfully I’m just an average guy who’s slowly slipping into being an old person. That’s okay, though. It happens to the best of us.
This blog is not intended to have a particular theme or focus. It will no doubt contain a lot of writing about being a dad, because that’s always the highlight of my day1To cover all my bases, I should probably mention that being a husband is also extremely good. Well, most of the time., but I plan on mixing in some random thoughts about things that I find interesting or notable.
Thanks for reading!
The Modernish Father
- 1To cover all my bases, I should probably mention that being a husband is also extremely good. Well, most of the time.
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